Nothing like homemade biscotti and a cup of hot tea to get the creative juices flowing. A friend came over and baked four gigantic batches of heavenly biscotti with me last weekend: anise, chocolate-almond, lemon-walnut, and chocolate-hazelnut-ginger. She was the smart one, and gave most of hers away.
To restrain myself from devouring all of mine in one gluttonous sitting, I bagged them and stowed them in the freezer. Every few days, I pull out half a dozen and put them on a plate to share with the family. What’s that? They don’t care for biscotti, you say? What a shame! And here I was thinking I’d been the soul of generosity…
Outside early this morning, while weeding and pulling out a pitiful fraction of the California poppies that
proliferate like a noxious plague self-sowed in a generous spirit of volunteerism among the rose bushes and irises, I caught the dew still clinging to the leaves just out on these roses:
and – be still, my heart! – the ruby flowering quince actually in flower! It looked like a goner earlier in the spring, and my fantasies of elegantly austere floral arrangements seemed in vain. Then this morning I noticed all these blooms. Not enough to pick, mind you. Those sculptural bouquets will have to wait until next year, but I can be patient. Really, I can.