I really hate getting up at 4:00 in the morning, but that’s when I’ll be up tomorrow in order to catch a flight out of town. I’m heading east again for one last trip until my daughter’s graduation is behind us. Although I’ll be gone only three days including travel (it’s so unfair that flying from CA to the East coast necessitates losing an entire day just to get from here to there), if last week’s trip is any indication I’ll be just as discombobulated when I return home.
When I got home last Thursday night, I was so disoriented I kept thinking it was Sunday night – I started to run the trash cans up the driveway to the curb for the Monday morning collection, and I picked up ingredients at the grocery store for my daughter to make sandwiches for school lunches. All day Friday my internal clock thought it was the beginning of the week rather than the end: I was dutifully setting my alarm clock to go off at 6:30 Saturday morning until my DH spotted me at it and asked if I was crazy. I finally got a grip after the third time I asked my daughter whether she’d done all her homework – she didn’t find me nearly as amusing as she did the first two times I asked her, and the “lost week” finally sank in.
Heritage climbing roses
This week’s trip will result in more of the same, I suspect. But I’ll at least leave you with some spring garden eye candy, since I’m taking my knitting with me (My goal is to complete the second French Child’s Sock while in transit) and won’t have any new photos until my return.
Comments welcome