ADD or Multi-Tasking? You Decide!

Last night I just had to bring my knitting to the high school basketball game. I have no son on the team to mortify with my multi-tasking; rather, my daughter is a varsity cheerleader and I go to the games to make sure she isn’t injured or worse while hoisting one of her teammates up into a paralyzingly terrifying masterful “basket toss” or a ohmigod are they absolutely f—ing crazy?! really cool “liberty.”

In order to maintain a modicom of composure, I knit. And knit. Interspersed with cheers or groans as the actual basketball playing requires. But mostly I knit. So last night I completed a sleeve for the Lotus Cardigan. It was mindless stockinette with sporadic increases and then decreases, the kind of knitting one can do in one’s sleep. Perfect.

When I returned home, however, I picked up the Swallowtail Shawl again. That project requires a little more concentration, since lace is not my middle name. And again, progress was made. I’ve completed eleven out of the fourteen repeats of the buds that make up the center of the shawl. Don’t ask why I’m knitting this on straight needles so far; it just seemed to be the right thing at the time. When it gets a bit larger, I’ll make the switch to circulars. There is so much of the Sundara Fingering Silky Merino I may even size it larger by doing several extra repeats before beginning the Lily of the Valley border.

The garden is a daily delight. In fact, why am I sitting inside at the computer when I could be out wandering around in this:

And this: The plum tree in full bloom. Should every one of those blossoms transform into a plum, we could be in trouble come summer. I love trouble.

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