Yeah, right. Multi-tasking. I’ll just keep telling myself that. Baby sweater obligation completed, I find myself once again with two projects on the needles. The green cardi from Nashua Handknits #3 you’ve already seen in progress, and I’d set it aside to make the baby sweater. Looks like it will remain on the back burner for a while longer, although I do love it and intend to finish it in time to wear in the fall:
I got as far as completing the shaped bottom, which is sort of a modified version of the traditional feather and fan stitch (and I’m doing it in one piece on circular needles to eliminate side seams), when I was struck by the desire – the need – the compulsion – to make a completely different cardi from
Knitting Lingerie Style
by Joan McGowan-Michael. Needed something subtly amazing to wear over a rather bare summer dress, a nude color with a cream paisley pattern. What a fabulous, feminine collection of patterns she has given us! In my stash, I happened to have (what a coincidence!) enough Manos in an ethereal shade of creamy pink to make the bed jacket shown here:
I know the Manos will pill, but I’ll treat the jacket gently. On size 9 needles it’s a quick project, at least so far. Haven’t yet gotten to the short rowing for the ruffle… always a challenge for me no matter how often I try to master it. I finished the back in an evening, and am a good way up the two front panels today. I’m already trying to decide which of my vintage mother-of-pearl buttons will make the perfect closure at the side.
Have I ever mentioned hollyhocks here? Don’t think so, yet look at this specimen. Taller than the 6′ fence behind it, sturdy of stalk and prolific of flower. My, oh my – gorgeous. I planted several of these about five years ago, but only this one and a couple of the others return year after year. Guess I ought to plant a few more.
This afternoon, in yet another attempt to keep the peach tree from keeling over before the fruit ripens, I culled at least another hundred babies. So sad. Does anyone have a recipe that calls for seriously underripe peaches?
Comments welcome